Investing for your future

Remove the uncertainty of your retirement. Learn how to invest for your future following our online guide

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We take the time and complexity out of pension & retirement planning so you don’t have to.

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Next up – Using your pensions


Removing the uncertainty

At MyRetirement, we’d love everyone to achieve financial security in retirement and we believe that there is strong evidence to suggest that taking financial advice can significantly improve your chances of enjoying the kind of retirement you want.

It can be daunting to know where to start, so we’ve put together the following thoughts to some common questions.

What is a personal pension

What is workplace pension?

What if I’m self employed?

How much is the state pension?

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How much do you really need in retirement?

  • A single person will need about £14,400 a year to achieve the minimum living standard,
  • £31,300 a year for moderate, and
  • £43,100 a year for a comfortable lifestyle.
  • For couples it is £22,400, £43,100, and £59,000 respectively.

One of the most useful things you can start to do, is to take a close look at all the money you spend each month, not forgetting those yearly expenses like holidays, Christmas and birthdays. This will start to give you a more personal view of where you might be in and around the levels above.

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Paying into your pension

Discussions about how much to pay into a pension have been going on for years, but one of the simplest theories is to put away as much as you can afford, as early as you can, we can’t stress the ‘early’ part of that enough. Making payments to your pension from a younger age can significantly boost what you’ve got at retirement.

This is a personal thing and will depend on your own situation. Factors such as when you start saving, whether you have access to a workplace pension, when you plan to retire and the lifestyle you want in retirement will all affect what you need to pay in to achieve your goals. We have a handy calculator which will allow you have a go at some scenario planning of your own.

If you’ve already made a start

Great stuff! you’ve already made pension contributions, and you might well have moved jobs a few times resulting in having more than one plan. If this has started to become a bit of a mystery and more complicated than you’d like, then it might be worth reviewing them.

We’d also suggest that you make sure that you haven’t forgotten about any others, especially those that might be from previous employments. The government have a pension tracing service which you can use to check this Find pension contact details – GOV.UK (

It is worth considering consolidating your pensions where appropriate, as this can improve the charges, make them easier to manage, and hopefully you’ll understand them more too! This is not always the best thing to do though, and this is where our retirement experts can advise you best, to make sure you don’t lose any valuable guarantees or existing benefits.

Where to start?

Working out what you’ll need to live on when you retire is not as easy as you think, especially if it’s a way off yet.

Our retirement experts are perfectly placed to help you do this, and it’s worth noting some research published by The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) which provides a broad view of what income you might need for three different levels Minimum, Moderate and Comfortable – and what goods and services would cost for each level.

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Next up – Using your pensions

Tools & Guides

Use our range of calculators, videos and guides to get you thinking about your retirement planning

Tax relief calculator
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Tax relief calculator

Calculate the tax relief you could receive on your personal pension contributions.
Cash Flow Planning
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Cash Flow Planning

Nobody knows what the future holds, but we can forecast the possibilities to minimise any surprises. The best way to manage and organise your financial planning and take into consideration all possible outcomes.
Pension Consolidation
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Pension Consolidation

Pension consolidation may allow you to combine some or all of your defined contribution pensions in one place. Consolidating your pension means fewer statements to keep an eye on, along with fewer and potentially lower management charges.
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We’ve helped many people prepare for the type of retirement lifestyle they want. Reach out to start a conversation with one of our retirement experts.