Enjoying your Retirement

Make the most of all your savings, investments, property and at the same time take care of any outstanding borrowing prior to retirement

Why Choose Us?

We are independent

We are not restricted or biased in any way and can explore all options to design a solution around you.

We help and support you

We take the time and complexity out of pension & retirement planning so you don’t have to.

We know our stuff

As a Chartered firm we adhere to the highest standards of trust, capability, and professionalism within our industry.

Next up – Financial health check
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Enjoying your retirement

Whether you’re looking forward to enjoying some well-earned free time and flexibility, new hobbies, or simply spending more time with the family, being prepared financially ahead of retirement is more important than ever – and this is where great advice starts to pay off!

What have you got to work with?

It’s not just about pensions! It’s about making the most of all savings, investments, property and at the same time looking to take care of any outstanding borrowing prior to retirement.

Our retirement experts are well placed to work with you to create your plan for the future. This will help you to be in a more informed position and more equipped to make any necessary changes or improvements to head into retirement with more confidence.

Many people have a number of pensions in different places and here you’ll find a short video highlighting some considerations if you’re thinking about pension consolidation.

What are your retirement plans?

It’s great to have ‘bucket list’ items of things you’d like to do, but it’s also important to ensure that if you’re funding a camper van renovation project to drive across Europe, that it doesn’t suck the life out of your savings so you run out too early.
Our retirement experts will talk to you about your plans, both now and during the later phases of retirement. Together with the use of cash flow modelling technology you can have a better idea of where you’re heading so that your plans remain sustainable for years to come.

Budgeting for retirement

When it comes to computers and all things data, ‘rubbish in, equals rubbish out’ so it’s important to properly assess your budget and priorities.

Creating and maintaining a summary of income and outgoings is often perceived to be a lot easier than it is. Quite often people forget to factor in those irregular costs like Christmas, birthdays, window cleaning and the like. However, the benefits of doing this as accurately as you can, will not only leave you in a more informed position, but can often result in being able to prioritise and identify what’s really important to spend your hard-earned retirement pot on.

Keep things on track

Having put the time in preparing for whatever retirement lifestyle suits you, it’s important to keep a regular eye on how things are going as over the years your circumstances and the world around you will change.

In the majority of retirement planning situations, reviewing your plans at least annually is the best way to stay on top of whatever life throws at you. For example, if you’re planning to take a flexible income from your pension the adviser relationship can be so important and can help ensure that what’s being taken out is also sustainable for the future.

Be ‘later life’ confident

Planning for later life is broad, emotive, and unique to you and your circumstances, but really important too and another reason why engaging with one of our retirement experts can help to guide and advise you on ways to make sensible, tax-efficient and family focussed decisions both now and in the future.


For now, here are some of those ‘later life’ considerations.


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Make a will – this is one of the simplest things you can do to be clearer about how you’d like to distribute your wealth upon death. Although we don’t do these at MyRetirement, our retirement experts will want to know that you’ve got this in hand.

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Express your wishes – we love pensions, and one of the reasons why is that they can be really tax efficient when someone dies. This is made much simpler and clearer by ensuring that for any pensions you have, you’ve instructed the provider as to who you would wish to benefit from any value left when you die. Normally called an ‘expression of wish’ or ‘nomination’ form, this is definitely something to check with the provider.

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Inheritance tax – against the backdrop of rising property prices and changes to the law, the treasury receipts for IHT have been rising over the years. Many people simply aren’t aware that they may be affected, and as such to be really sure, and to start tackling some of the more complicated issues that could arise, talking to an expert could pay dividends to make sure that you (or more accurately your estate) aren’t subject to unnecessary tax.

Get advice

For help and support on the next phase of your retirement journey, get in touch with our retirement experts, 

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Next up – Financial health check

Tools & Guides

Use our range of calculators, videos and guides to get you thinking about your retirement planning

Pension Calculator
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Pension Calculator

Use our pension calculator to help you understand how much your pension funds might be worth at retirement and what you’ll need to save to reach your target fund value.
Tax relief calculator
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Tax relief calculator

Calculate the tax relief you could receive on your personal pension contributions.
Cash Flow Planning
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Cash Flow Planning

Nobody knows what the future holds, but we can forecast the possibilities to minimise any surprises. The best way to manage and organise your financial planning and take into consideration all possible outcomes.
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Speak to our retirement experts

Bespoke solutions personal to you

We’ve helped many people prepare for the type of retirement lifestyle they want. Reach out to start a conversation with one of our retirement experts.